Best Breweries and The Craft Beer Scene: Montana Edition

best breweries montana

Raise your glass and prepare to embark on a hoppy journey through the treasure trove of microbreweries and breweries in Montana. The love for good beer has exploded in popularity across the United States, with enthusiasts seeking unique flavors from a local taproom. Montana is no exception to this beverage revolution, boasting a flourishing craft beer culture that draws visitors from far and wide. With its stunning landscapes, a sky that seems to go on forever, adventurous spirit, and an impressive lineup of breweries, there has never been a better time to explore the Big Sky state’s amazing craft beer.

Montana breweries have experienced exponential growth over the past decade, mirroring the national trend as more people gravitate towards small-batch offerings with bold flavors. From Missoula’s vibrant downtown core, nestled between towering mountains and lush forests, to Bozeman’s lively streets lined with historic buildings steeped in charm – each region offers its own flagship beer so you can’t go wrong wherever you land. So grab your pint glass or flight tray; let us guide you through some must-visit breweries and taprooms across Montana because life is too short for anything but good company and great beer.

Discovering Missoula’s Craft Beer Scene

Missoula, Montana is a bustling city known as an award-winning trout fishing destination but it also offers an excellent beer menu. With an abundance of breweries to choose from, beer enthusiasts will find themselves in hop heaven as they explore the unique offerings the city has to offer. One must-visit brewery in Missoula is Big Sky Brewing Company, famous for their flagship brew, Moose Drool Brown Ale. This smooth and malty beer has become a local favorite and can be found on tap at bars all over town. If beer isn’t your beverage of choice, they also have spiked seltzer, another new craze in the last few years. The brewery also offers tours where visitors can learn about their brewing process while sipping on some delicious brews.

Another standout brewery in Missoula is KettleHouse Brewing Co., which boasts two locations: Northside and Southside. Known for their iconic Cold Smoke Scotch Ale, KettleHouse invites visitors into a cozy tasting room where they can settle down by the fire pit or enjoy live music while enjoying cold pints of their renowned beers. 

 Draught Works Brewery – nestled near Mount Sentinel with stunning views that are hard to beat, is worth the mention .Their expansive and inviting outdoor seating patio makes it the perfect spot to catch up with friends over an afternoon pint. Their impressive selection includes everything from refreshing IPAs like Scepter Head IPA to rich stouts like Darth Jefe Mexican Chocolate Stout.

Visiting tap rooms is key when exploring Missoula’s artisan beer scene as it allows you to truly experience the passion behind each brewer’s creations. From learning about flavor profiles directly from knowledgeable staff members to witnessing firsthand how various ingredients are incorporated into different brewing processes, every sip becomes an opportunity for deeper appreciation.

Exploring Bozeman’s Brewery Gems

Bozeman, Montana is a hidden gem for local beer lovers. Here, the local brewing scene thrives, and there are plenty of breweries to explore in this eclectic town. One such brewery that should be on every beer lover’s list is Outlaw Brewing. This small but mighty brewery has an impressive lineup of beers that never fails to impress. From their Summit Dog Double IPA to their rich and smooth stout The Capone, Outlaw Brewing offers something for every palate.

Taking a walk through Bozeman’s downtown area will lead you to another brewery worth visiting – Bridger Brewing Company. Known for its creative and unique flavors, Bridger Brewing serves up bold brews like their Belgian Golden Strong Ale and their huckleberry-infused Wheat Lager. The atmosphere at Bridger is cozy and welcoming, making it the perfect spot to settle in with friends or a good book.

In addition to the fantastic beers these breweries produce, what truly sets them apart is the experience of going on a brewery tour. Getting a behind-the-scenes look at how your favorite brews come together adds another layer of appreciation for the craftsmanship involved in creating great beer. Not only do you get a chance to sample some exclusive small-batch experiments straight from the fermenter during these tours, but you also have an opportunity to interact with passionate brewers who are always happy to share stories about their creative processes.

So whether you’re wandering through downtown Bozeman or seeking out adventure in its surrounding landscapes, make sure you set aside time to explore this town’s incredible collection of breweries. Each sip tells a story of passion and dedication put into crafting the finest beers Montana has to offer – an experience that should not be missed by any beer lover venturing into Big Sky Country.

Must-Try Local Brews

Montana is bursting with an array of incredible local brews that are sure to tantalize the taste buds. From Missoula, Bozeman, and beyond, the state’s breweries offer a diverse selection of unique flavors and styles. Here are some must-try beers that showcase the best of Montana’s craft brewing scene.

1. Bayern Brewing: Hefeweizen – Located in Missoula, Bayern Brewing offers their delightful Hefeweizen, a refreshing wheat beer with hints of banana and clove. This German-style brew boasts a smooth mouthfeel and a light golden color that perfectly complements its flavorful profile.

2. Bridger Brewing: Powder Cap IPA – In Bozeman, don’t miss out on Bridger Brewing’s Powder Cap IPA. Bursting with tropical fruit aromas, this hop-forward beer delivers bold citrusy flavors alongside notes of pine and resin. It’s perfect for those who crave a well-balanced yet intensely satisfying IPA experience.

3. Blackfoot River Brewing Company: Single Malt & Single Hop (SMaSH) Pale Ale – Head to Helena to try Blackfoot River Brewing Company’s SMaSH Pale Ale if you’re intrigued by single malt and single hop varieties. With just one type each of malted barley and hops used in its creation, this ale showcases clean and crisp flavors while still packing plenty of hoppy goodness.

4. Bonsai Brewing Project: Sake Repeater Cream Ale – Offering something truly unique, Bonsai Brewing Project in Whitefish presents their Sake Repeater Cream Ale – an intriguing fusion between traditional Japanese sake brewing techniques and American cream ales resulting in subtle rice undertones balanced by silky smoothness.

5. Ten Mile Creek Brewery: Razzu Raspberry Wheat Ale – If you find yourself in Helena seeking fruity refreshment during summer months or any other time really head over to Ten Mile Creek Brewery and give their Razzu Raspberry Wheat Ale a try. Bursting with the sweetness of ripe raspberries, this light ale complements its fruity flavor profile with a crisp finish.

6. Wildwood Brewing: Heart of Darkness Porter – In Stevensville’s Wildwood Brewing, you can explore the depths of darkness in their award-winning Heart of Darkness Porter. With rich roasted malt flavors and hints of chocolate and coffee, this beer offers a velvety smoothness that will satisfy any lover of dark brews.

7. Draught Works: Pineapple Express Kettle Sour – Missoula’s Draught Works brings an unexpected twist to sour beers by infusing it with tropical pineapple flavors. Lightly tart and bursting with fruitiness, this kettle sour is perfect for those seeking a refreshing yet tangy experience.

Final Thoughts

Montana’s beer scene is truly a hidden gem for people to uncover. With its sprawling landscapes and small-town charm, this state offers a unique backdrop for brewery exploration.

As you embark on your own Montana adventure, it’s important to remember that the experience is about more than just enjoying a delicious pint. It’s about immersing yourself in the stories behind each beer, getting to know the passionate brewers who create them, and connecting with fellow beer lovers along the way.

So, gather your friends or plan a solo trip – either way, Montana’s breweries will welcome you with open arms (and plenty of brews). Whether you’re sipping an IPA while gazing at snow-capped mountains or enjoying a rich stout by the fire after a day of hiking through forests and streams, these breweries provide an authentic taste of Montana culture.

So don’t hesitate any longer – start planning your Montana craft beer adventure today. Did we leave out your favorite brewery or brew on our list? If so, send us a message and let us know!

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